Crazy weekend.
- Two runs to the airport for two friends
- Lunch and beers with one large 'The Harpoon'
- One unfruitful a.m. kicking session with the 53 at Jake's. Excellent donuts
- Huge dissapointment and sadness due to bike not cooperating
- Angy Salmon due to gasoline
- One BBQ with WAAAAAY more people in attendance than expected (a good thing)
- Killer jumpy house in back lawn at BBQ
- Happy neighborhood kids
- Meeting new friends at BBQ - DJ is cool
- Imprompt early evening "we can fix it" session on 53 spurred by goading of one Marshall Woolrey and help of one Marshall Woolrey and one Mike Soldano
- Bike starting and rattling windows
- Bike MUCH louder with new pipes than with old 2 into 1 pipe
- Feeling that neighbors don't like new pipes
- Me finally feeling happy though more tuning is required
- Big clean up of BBQ mess (ongoing)
- Trip down to Dice Magazine party thing
- Kook hitting Eric's Pontiac on his motorcycle
- Sadness due to Eric's sadness
- Little happier again due to Richard's out of control 700+ hp. burnout in altered wheel base Belvidere destoyer machine
- Weird vibe at bar and no good scenesters but good talks with friends outside
- Two diet cokes. One beer
- Home by 1 a.m., sleep, up early on Sunday morning
- RAD photo shoot with Good Luck Gary in two neat locations
- Good coffee and muffins
- Failed attempt at afternoon nap due to active Logan
- Fun hang-out reading session with Leah the heart melter
- Great back lawn baseball session with Gary and Logan with cockeyed base running
- Two failed attempts at getting into restaurants for dinner with final victory at good local sushi joint
- Trip to Gas Works park to tire Logan - didn't work. Only Gary and Anthony tired. Logan's dial goes to 12
- Two Olympia beers at fine local drinking establishment
- One plan to produce a book with Gary
- Happiness and good feeling about handful of great friends
- Wonderful conversation on way to airport
- Done
It was a good weekend. My shop feels a little bit empty without the 53. G and all the people at the BBQ were tops. Thanks.
The "Panama Red" incarnation of your pan was a refreshing exercise in sublty, and the reason I check in here most days. Curious to see the latest revision, perhaps blue now?
I'll have something up for you within a few days Jason. The bike isn't as subtle as it was as Panama Red, but it's quite a departure from what's out there right now. It's still very purposeful and reflective of a time and place, and the dude above, Jakemon, is largely to thank for it. Thanks for the kind words and keep checking in.
having seattle withdrawals now...
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