Panhead fix-a-thon at Jake's tonight. He was finish welding his oil tank for the Matchless upon my arrival. It's going to be a beautiful bike and Jake is becoming a Jedi TIG Master.
As far as my bike goes, everything you hear about old Harley's is true.
1. They shake themselves to death. I've become quite intimate with all flavors of Loctite
2. You ride them for a couple hours, then work on them for a couple days. It is what it is. They're fun.
3. HD = hundred dollars. You can't look at these things without spending one hundred dollars.

After hitting my knee really hard on my license plate bracket, figuring out how to make my rear brake work better, and coming up a little off on a couple brackets, it was time to head to Dick's for an 11:30 pm burger. Fuck! Dick's only takes cash and I had one lousey dollar with me. The place's prices are cheap, but not that cheap. Damn.

Just some flyers plastered on a bridge support pole on the way home. Whatever.