We see a lot of this in Seattle this time of year - Gray. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't rain constantly here. We also don't set around and listen to Nirvana 24 hrs. a day drinking overpriced coffee. Well, at least my family doesn't.

Big guy just wrapped up his final soccer game and had his end of year party. I have no reservations about admitting that Logan's soccer games were the highlights of my past couple months. Watching those little kids play & enjoy themselves without a care about the economy, their jobs, old motorcycles, etc. was pure and perfect. Such a good reminder of what's really important. Really hippy shit, I know.

Other than a couple family members, a few friends, and my Mom's restaurant, there aren't many things I miss about the east coast. I do miss the changing of the leaves, with their bright colors and I miss the crispness in the fall air that causes those bright colors. For reasons I'm unclear of, our leaves out here were quite vibrant this year. The tree above is in our backyard and there were lots of them with similar colors around the 'hood. It was nice.