85 mph in this is like 130 in a modern car. If you took it up to 100 you could fly around the country. Granted, you wouldn't get to choose where you were going, but you could fly there.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The AMOCAT boys are at it again
85 mph in this is like 130 in a modern car. If you took it up to 100 you could fly around the country. Granted, you wouldn't get to choose where you were going, but you could fly there.
H8ful thing
The absolute scurge of my Panhead from days gone by. When I bought the bike the owner had this God-Awful Dell Orto carburetor on it. I decided to work with what I had, read up on the thing, rebuilt it, and put it back into service.
It sucked.
I rebuilt this carburetor three times, changed every conceivable thing I could in it, talked with all of the smart people, and I still couldn't get the bike to run properly with it. H8.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New issue of R&K arrived today
Pretty good issue that can be bought here. I did an OK story on Billetproof NW, a show they put on for the first time up here in Washington a few months back. The show originated in Southern California as a back-lash to the high dollar, trailer queen shows of the 90's.
I'm not really one for car shows. It's more fun to see one old car at the grocery store or out in front of a bar. That said, I was grateful for the opportunity to put a little something together for the magazine that shows what the Pacific Northwest folks are up to.
Pusher man

Pusher rubbers for an old front engine digger. Because the cars didn't have radiators they'd push them to the start line so they wouldn't overheat. Then they'd light em' up, let em' go, and the push vehicle would meet the car at the other end of the track to push it back to the pits. These rubber thingers are what the push vehicle (a wagon or pickup) would push against.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Two great things that go great together
Expensive chocolate and cheap beer. Rainier is an acquired taste. It's strong like bull and has a price point of $5 for a six'er of tall boys. One might think the stuff was marketed to vagrants, deviants, and the like. I say no.
Michael Cluizel chocolate on the other hand is equally serious. The higher cocoa content bars in their line-up are gnarly. A bar of the stuff costs the same amount as said six'er of the rain dog, but it's worth it.
I love living in the city
Danko Jones loves living in the city too.
The Fun Loving Criminals love living in the city.
And of course FEAR loves living in the city.
One from the Panama Red days

Good Luck Gary shot this a couple summers back. I need to find a place in my house to hang the tank.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Path to Glory is Strewn with Discarded Parts
These are bars that Jake and I did. I took an eared springer top clamp, turned down the ears to the size of the inside of the cut up handlebars, stuck the bars over the ears, and Jake TIG'd it all up.
I like having one part that does the job of three. That said, I went a different direction and these didn't end up on the bike.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Hat n' Boots
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The guy doesn't get the credit he deserves. He inspired kids and adults alike to get off their asses and make things. He inspired them to bite off more than they could chew and learn to do things they never dreamnt possible. He showed that life sucks sometimes and it isn't all a bed of hippied out, it'll-all-be-OK roses.
Don't forget that he grew a tiny little business into a multi-million dollar pocket padding machine that's allowed him to live the life so many of us dream of too. Then there's the wife. Who would have thought some guy who messes around with motorcycles and cars could have a beautiful, smart, and succesful wife? Me, I thought that. I have one.
Thanks Jesse. Photo by Adam Wright.
Maximum battery destroyer

The dude vacuums the power out of cell phones. It's weird. Half way into a story, beep, battery gone, done. Could have half or 3/4 power at start of call, doesn't matter. Every time. Awful good picture by Maurice I think.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Berried alive
Tom Waits
He can be the guy above and he can be the guy below and he can be a bunch of other ones too.
Just an amazing musician.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Jason's Truck
Real nice one I'm working up a story on for Rod & Kulture. It should be a pretty good layout because this is in it too-
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Marshall's 36

A little something my buddy Marshall cooked up a couple years back. Massively custom 36' Ford roadster that started life as a five window coupe. Lots of work, lots of hours. Stick this in your Cole Foster and smoke it.
Just kidding. I have the utmost respect for Cole and his art. Incredibly talented guy.
Girl beer
The Box

When my grandfather was a kid, a box was fun. When my dad was a kid, a box was still fun. Me, box, you guessed it- fun. The cycle continues with the L kids, and it will continue with their kids. Simplicity is king. And if you look real hard you'll see a set of Mustang scooter tanks over on the stand there. Motorcycle parts make for lovely decorations.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Neat stuff
Thanks to Laura, Leah, and Logan

In the post about our Portland ride below I neglected to mention my team and the fact that they were very understanding of our little adventure. I truly appreciate it. I'm really great at forgetting things and I need to work on it, but I do have excellent hygiene. That's got to be worth something, right?
12 Spokes
Monday, August 11, 2008
Seattle to Portland the hard way
Jake and I rode down to Portland this past weekend. We decided to just see if we could get sick of riding and go say hi to Max and Jasin, who were up visiting. **Not sure who shot the pic. below, but it's nice. M on left, J on right. Maybe Pommier?**

We headed south from Seattle for 1.5 hours, cut due west for another couple to the coast, and caught 101. The first hour of the ride was dry. The rest was wet. Wet clothes aren't that bad. Wet shoes are bad. The wind dries everything but your shoes.
We stopped a lot for gas, as we both have small tanks. We had burgers with a lot of onions on them.
The ride across the Columbia river bridge was amazing. Epic. Huge expanse of water, huge bridge, huge wind, huge rain. That rain hurt bad, but It helped me find my "special place." When things are tough, you here people say "go to your special place inside your head." I found mine on that bridge.
Bare down. Go fast. Don't think.
An hour outside of Portland the bike was unhappy. Jake's bike was fine. Jake's bike is always fine. Vibration had snapped what was left of my rear exhaust spiggot and the bike was sorely limping along. The plug fouled, I'd used up my last set, and the only thing I could think to do was get up to speed and hope the plug burned clean. I pulled second gear for a few minutes with that rear plug popping to life a little here and a little there. I wasn't ready for what was coming, and when that plug came back to life it was violent. Being right in the middle of the power band of second gear, lots of torque hit hard. The rear tire broke loose and the bike went sideways. I'm glad those roads were wet and slippery, because a dry patch and traction would have killed me.
The final hour of the ride into Portland was tough. The bike still wasn't that happy and only wanted to run wide open. No exhaust backpressure does bad things to plugs. We figured out where we were going, upset some Ben & Jerry's patrons, and got stuck waiting for the longest, slowest moving train I've ever seen. We made it to the hotel, got one of the last three available rooms from a desk guy who quickly stashed his gallon jug of Vodka upon our arrival, ate and drank, and slept. With the normal company I keep the drinking would have continued, but Jake keeps me grounded like that. Somebody needs to, I wish it could be me.
We slept in the next day and then made a run to the parts store for bulbs, plugs, and hose clamps to secure my waggling pipe. I'm glad I wasn't hung over; I wouldn't have dealt with the young kids trying to be condescending if I would have been. Kill em' with kindness, they never know how to take that one.
Lunch with Max and Jasin was good. It took a long time to get our Chorrizo, but it gave us some time to talk and drink coffee. I think a lot of Max, that's common knowledge- what surprised me though was how nice and friendly Jasin was. What a neat guy. No ego, no cool guy act, no fear of smiling and joking, nothing. And man, it was just hilarious to see this big, gnarly biker with full beard in effect come rolling out of that restaurant with a little tea cup with flowers on it and his pinkey out. It was beautiful.
We hit the road after breakfast, rode hard up I5 until we hit traffic, and just rolled with it, but not before an intervention.
I'm impatient and dangerous on a motorcycle. If the bike fits through a hole, I go through the hole. If there's stop and go traffic and the break down lane is open, I ride in the break down lane. I'll ride in it for an hour. I'll always be 16 on a motorcycle because it's the ultimate toy to me. Always has been. Burn outs, wheelies, and repetitive hole shots in traffic are just a way to pass the time. It's all I know.
I'm 75 years old in a car. It's a way to get from point a to point b.
The one thing I don't do is drive for a living. Jake does. If I get a ticket I pay it and my insurance goes up. If I get ten I take the bus or ride or drive without a license. I can still get to work. The livelihood of Jake's family depends on him driving, so I appreciated his stepping up and telling me that. Honesty and frankness are two of the most important ingredients of friendships. I also suspect that Jake may be just a bit more cautious and responsible than me. I need someone like that around. I hope the guy gets something from me too.
Home. Things to fix. Fun.
Stuff that broke on the Pan
1. Rear exhaust spiggot- It was all cracked up before we took off, but it's completely gone now. Internal combustion things like smooth exhaust flow and only run wide open without it. Time to pull the head.
2. Plate/light bracket- Don't quench metal after you weld it, it'll get brittle. Jake's welds were great, the bracket snapped right in the middle of a piece of flat bar.
3. Hand shift lever- Those little bolts sure do back out and snap easy, even with Red Loctite. I'm drilling and tapping to a larger size.
Things I learned
1. Mechanical brakes suck. They just do. They look real neat but they suck.
2. Jasin Phares is really nice and that Generator Shovel he did is amazing. Just amazing. Such a smart chopper that stops on a dime, goes like hell, and looks great. I'd never bite on it, but it changed my whole outlook on this stuff. I guess it's what you'd call "an important bike."
3. Max and Jasin's bikes are much cooler in person than in pictures, and they've got this shit figured out. 600 miles up the coast and nothing broke or fell off on either one. It'll probably be the same story for them on the way home. I hope so. The Oakland boys rule.
4. When planning your ride, plan an extra 8 hours in for weather, fixing things, closed bridges, etc. Your wife will appreciate it.
5. The next bike I put together after finishing the 64 will be a road bike, not a stylized historical representation of blah, blah, blah. Big stroker, flowed heads, highway geared or close ratio 6 speed, disc brakes, reworked bob tanks, magneto, super E, no switches, Nyloc or drilled and safety wired everything, and as few welds as possible. 100 miles between gas stops or bust.
6. Jake is cool, his wife is cool, and his kids are cool. A special "I'm sorry" to his wife for keeping him away longer than we'd intended.

Sorry I didn't take any pictures, but this ride wasn't really about that for me. I just wanted an adventure. We got it.

We headed south from Seattle for 1.5 hours, cut due west for another couple to the coast, and caught 101. The first hour of the ride was dry. The rest was wet. Wet clothes aren't that bad. Wet shoes are bad. The wind dries everything but your shoes.
We stopped a lot for gas, as we both have small tanks. We had burgers with a lot of onions on them.
The ride across the Columbia river bridge was amazing. Epic. Huge expanse of water, huge bridge, huge wind, huge rain. That rain hurt bad, but It helped me find my "special place." When things are tough, you here people say "go to your special place inside your head." I found mine on that bridge.
Bare down. Go fast. Don't think.
An hour outside of Portland the bike was unhappy. Jake's bike was fine. Jake's bike is always fine. Vibration had snapped what was left of my rear exhaust spiggot and the bike was sorely limping along. The plug fouled, I'd used up my last set, and the only thing I could think to do was get up to speed and hope the plug burned clean. I pulled second gear for a few minutes with that rear plug popping to life a little here and a little there. I wasn't ready for what was coming, and when that plug came back to life it was violent. Being right in the middle of the power band of second gear, lots of torque hit hard. The rear tire broke loose and the bike went sideways. I'm glad those roads were wet and slippery, because a dry patch and traction would have killed me.
The final hour of the ride into Portland was tough. The bike still wasn't that happy and only wanted to run wide open. No exhaust backpressure does bad things to plugs. We figured out where we were going, upset some Ben & Jerry's patrons, and got stuck waiting for the longest, slowest moving train I've ever seen. We made it to the hotel, got one of the last three available rooms from a desk guy who quickly stashed his gallon jug of Vodka upon our arrival, ate and drank, and slept. With the normal company I keep the drinking would have continued, but Jake keeps me grounded like that. Somebody needs to, I wish it could be me.
We slept in the next day and then made a run to the parts store for bulbs, plugs, and hose clamps to secure my waggling pipe. I'm glad I wasn't hung over; I wouldn't have dealt with the young kids trying to be condescending if I would have been. Kill em' with kindness, they never know how to take that one.
Lunch with Max and Jasin was good. It took a long time to get our Chorrizo, but it gave us some time to talk and drink coffee. I think a lot of Max, that's common knowledge- what surprised me though was how nice and friendly Jasin was. What a neat guy. No ego, no cool guy act, no fear of smiling and joking, nothing. And man, it was just hilarious to see this big, gnarly biker with full beard in effect come rolling out of that restaurant with a little tea cup with flowers on it and his pinkey out. It was beautiful.
We hit the road after breakfast, rode hard up I5 until we hit traffic, and just rolled with it, but not before an intervention.
I'm impatient and dangerous on a motorcycle. If the bike fits through a hole, I go through the hole. If there's stop and go traffic and the break down lane is open, I ride in the break down lane. I'll ride in it for an hour. I'll always be 16 on a motorcycle because it's the ultimate toy to me. Always has been. Burn outs, wheelies, and repetitive hole shots in traffic are just a way to pass the time. It's all I know.
I'm 75 years old in a car. It's a way to get from point a to point b.
The one thing I don't do is drive for a living. Jake does. If I get a ticket I pay it and my insurance goes up. If I get ten I take the bus or ride or drive without a license. I can still get to work. The livelihood of Jake's family depends on him driving, so I appreciated his stepping up and telling me that. Honesty and frankness are two of the most important ingredients of friendships. I also suspect that Jake may be just a bit more cautious and responsible than me. I need someone like that around. I hope the guy gets something from me too.
Home. Things to fix. Fun.
Stuff that broke on the Pan
1. Rear exhaust spiggot- It was all cracked up before we took off, but it's completely gone now. Internal combustion things like smooth exhaust flow and only run wide open without it. Time to pull the head.
2. Plate/light bracket- Don't quench metal after you weld it, it'll get brittle. Jake's welds were great, the bracket snapped right in the middle of a piece of flat bar.
3. Hand shift lever- Those little bolts sure do back out and snap easy, even with Red Loctite. I'm drilling and tapping to a larger size.
Things I learned
1. Mechanical brakes suck. They just do. They look real neat but they suck.
2. Jasin Phares is really nice and that Generator Shovel he did is amazing. Just amazing. Such a smart chopper that stops on a dime, goes like hell, and looks great. I'd never bite on it, but it changed my whole outlook on this stuff. I guess it's what you'd call "an important bike."
3. Max and Jasin's bikes are much cooler in person than in pictures, and they've got this shit figured out. 600 miles up the coast and nothing broke or fell off on either one. It'll probably be the same story for them on the way home. I hope so. The Oakland boys rule.
4. When planning your ride, plan an extra 8 hours in for weather, fixing things, closed bridges, etc. Your wife will appreciate it.
5. The next bike I put together after finishing the 64 will be a road bike, not a stylized historical representation of blah, blah, blah. Big stroker, flowed heads, highway geared or close ratio 6 speed, disc brakes, reworked bob tanks, magneto, super E, no switches, Nyloc or drilled and safety wired everything, and as few welds as possible. 100 miles between gas stops or bust.
6. Jake is cool, his wife is cool, and his kids are cool. A special "I'm sorry" to his wife for keeping him away longer than we'd intended.
Sorry I didn't take any pictures, but this ride wasn't really about that for me. I just wanted an adventure. We got it.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The video is lame...
The song on the other hand...poetry. Go drink a bottle of Thunderbird now, you'll be a better person for it and will get into heaven.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Complete tweaker picture
Far out Chuck
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"Hey, somebody get me a beer on the way back!"
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